Pizza sizes with MegaPizza

(11.4/14.2/19.6 in)

Pizza sizes with UberEats

(11.4/14.2 in)


Opening Hours

Open everyday*

  • 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • *Monday closed

Free Delivery

within the town of:

  • Lagos

Minimum Order amount for Delivery is: 10€

Free Delivery

out of the city of Lagos:

  • Praia da Luz
  • Espiche
  • Portelas
  • Chinicato
  • Odiáxere

Minimum Order amount for Delivery is: 20€


For Orders over 100€ will be accepted only with one day in advance and with (PREPAYMENT)

Payment Method (€)

  • Cash on Delivery

Payment by Card is only available in Store.


Before Ordering

please, make sure you provide us with:

  1. full address details
  2. order:
  3. phone number

In case the delivery address is not located by GPS, you may choose to pick up your order at the Pizzeria.

We inform that orders by e-mail are not accepted.


(+351) 282 031 628

  • To national landline call